Before first bringing his performance to television in
the early 80s, Tom Noddy spent over a decade developing a
new kind of performance piece. Sitting alone with dime store
bubble solution, a childlike sense of wonder and an adult
sense of humor he brought a new thing into being: Bubble
After three appearances on America's Tonight Show, Tom
was featured on the ‘Best of the Year’ Tonight Show
segment. In his 30-plus year career as America’s Bubble
Guy, he has appeared numerous times on prime time, daytime
and late night television shows as well as nightclubs and
universities. Tom’s work has been presented to 900
mathematicians at the International Congress of Mathematics
in Berlin, Germany. He's been the featured performer for
science centers' Bubble Festivals attracting up to 17,000
people in a single weekend. He is as comfortable performing
for pre-schoolers as he is when entertaining audiences
in the Varieté theatres of Germany, the Paris Opera,
Le Casino nightclub in Monte Carlo, corporate parties,
trade shows, or television programs in over 50 countries.Tom
has taken his uniquely warm charm and intellectual interest
in soap bubbles to audiences around the world. The bubbles
are truly exquisite and Tom’s lively humor and engaging
sense of fun leave his audiences both delighted and intrigued. |

Describing what he does, Tom tells about a few of his figures: "Bubbles
inside of bubbles, smoke bubbles, clear bubbles, clear bubbles inside of smoke
bubbles, smoke bubbles inside of clear bubbles, inside out bubbles, yin yang
bubbles, caterpillar bubbles, love bubbles and a bubble cube. The yin yang
bubble is a double bubble; a smoke bubble inside of a clear
bubble and a clear bubble inside of a smoke bubble, it's
my most difficult trick ... to say."
"Enjoy my website and please make an effort to see the real thing some day.
Don't worry, even I can't blow an ugly bubble." |